Ready to hit the boards and showcase your tossing skills? Our Cornhole League is now open for registration! Secure your spot today and join the community’s most thrilling cornhole competition.
You can absolutely join as an individual! When you register as a 'Free Agent', we will place you on a team with other awesome players.
Our 2-4 player team format ensures that if someone can't make it, you've still got your squad covered, especially crucial during tournament weeks when only rostered players can participate.
Yes, feel free to bring your own cornhole bags! And if you're in need, our league manager offers high-quality bags for sale. Don't worry if you don't have your own; we also provide league bags free of charge.
Teams for individual registrants are formed based on the number of players required and the skill levels. We ensure a balanced mix of players to keep the league competitive and fun.
Yes, the games are played in a 21+ bar. All players and spectators must be 21+.
Your enthusiasm can fuel our league! From assisting during league nights to sponsoring leagues, we welcome your involvement. Let's make the leagues even better together. Send us a message at
...never fear! Drop your info below and you'll be one of the first to know when registration opens up